The Galley

March 4, 2016 HMS Beagle 1 comment

The HMS Beagle has a very efficient and compact galley (kitchen for you land lubbers).   All the mod cons can be found here except for a dishwasher (of the mechanical variety).  Captain Fitzroy has, with some zest, continued her interest in cooking and has so far produced many savoury and enjoyable meals for the crew.  While the Captain does not bemoan the absence of a mechanical dishwasher, it has come home to her that doing dishes by hand day after day for even as small a crew as the Beagle’s and for only two meals a day, takes a lot of time.  But she has come to see it as a zen-like experience, during which many a very good book can be listened to.   


The Galley
The Galley
The Starboard Deck
The Starboard Deck
The Captain's Herb Garden
The Captain’s Herb Garden


In addition to the the regular barbecue fare that is cooked on the starboard deck, the crew has enjoyed various savoury dishes prepared in the galley. The electric combination pressure/slow cooker has produced a fine chilli con carne consumed during a local sporting event that the Americans call the Super Bowl.  (The Beagle is equipped with a device that allowed the crew to watch this event and on this occasion a certain Dr. James Gillespie, who is related to our Sailing Master, was a guest aboard the Beagle.  Dr. Gillespie has dined with the crew  on several occasions as he is located nearby,  having moored his ship at a port about 15 miles to the north).



Fitzroy and her trusty helper Chaffers have produced various dishes including frittata, (grain free) pizza, liver and onions, escargots au bleu, bacon and eggs, grilled cheese sandwiches, lobster tails with mayonnaise, pancetta and tomato, braised short ribs, mussels in white wine sauce, BBQd back ribs, smoked sausages and steaks and burgers galore, steamed red snapper, grilled salmon, grilled shrimp, smoked salmon, tuna salad and lots of local veg and fruit – in fact you name it, they’ve probably made it.  Mr. Darwin is provided with his share of most everything the rest of the crew eats, along with his own poached chicken and hotdogs.


The crew eats well and, as Captain Fitzroy maintains, a well fed crew means a well run ship.


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1 Comment on “The Galley

  1. You are the only people I know that maintain such high standards of gastronomic endeavour, while on vacay- well done you!

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