Getting Ready

December 17, 2015 HMS Beagle 3 comments

HMS BeagleIt is now December 16, 2015. The Beagle will not weigh anchor and head south until about January 11, 2016.  The ship’s crew are busy preparing for the voyage.  The Beagle has been serviced, bearings re-packed and a leaky tire repaired. Decisions have been made about what not to take to lighten the vessel for the long trip.  More planning has to be done and decisions have to be made before leaving port, not least of which has to do with managing our affairs from afar.  However, time seems to fly by and soon we will be on our way.

3 Comments on “Getting Ready

  1. Dear Jose and Kent, With storms to your east and poor Henry Worsley’s sad end in Antartica announced a few minutes ago on the BBC, I felt impelled to make another entry in your blog to wish you well in the hope that the first stage of your journey was supremely successful and that you are enjoying mild weather in Florida. Very best, Harry

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